2002 ford f250 diesel 7.3 injector driver module locatio
2002 ford f250 diesel 7.3 injector driver module locatio

That’s actually there with just a clamp and can be pulled right off. And then right underneath of this hose assembly, there’s going to be a rubber hose that’s going to go into the breather portion of the valve cover. Also, for the rest of this hose assembly, we have a bolt on the backside of this bracket here, and one at the bottom that we’re going to need to remove. And you’ll notice here, we’ve got some tubing, the green tube here, and then our red tube here for the waste gate, that we’re going to want to remove and get out of the way. With our downpipe out of the way now, we can access the rest of our breather assembly hose and get some of those things out of the way. Just loosen those up on both the top and the bottom, and you can slide that downpipe out of the way. And that’s basically just a clamp holding that downpipe along with the sleeves. And the easiest way to do that is one, we do have two bolts coming down here, kind of past the alternator and below, that are going to reach into the beginning of the intercooler, they’re going to be just like these here, we’re going to remove those bolts at the bottom, remove them up here as well. Now that we have the air filter removed, the air filter cover, as well as the initial run of the breather hose assembly out of the way, it’s time to go ahead and remove that downpipe from the turbo. And that’ll just about open up the entire access area for us to get to that valve cover, pull it off and then get to the injectors. And then we’ll go to the downpipe from the turbo and remove that as well. So we’ll remove both of those, and that’ll give us some access to get back here to the remainder of the piping. It’s not 100% necessary to remove the entire air box, but it will give you a lot more room to get in from this angle here. We’ll remove that first, get the air box out of the way. We’ve got a bolt up top here and a bolt in the back for the main part of the hose. We’ll start by removing the factory air box. Now that we have the batteries disconnected, we can start removing some other components that would make it a little bit more accessible for us to get to both pulling the valve cover off as well as getting to the injector. So we’ll do that and then we’ll come back and show you some of the other steps that need to be taken in order to get to that injector and get it replaced. That way we can keep from any surges of any type going through any of the pigtails we’re going to be removing, as well as keeping ourselves safe from any type of shocks.


And we’re going to start by disconnecting both the passenger side battery, as well as the driver side battery. Today, we’re going to be replacing both the diesel fuel injector, as well as the glow plug on this 2002 Ford F 250 Super Duty with a 7.3 liter Power stroke in it. Sign up to receive our newsletter with valuable new tech articles and videos every month.

2002 ford f250 diesel 7.3 injector driver module locatio